Tax Return Cannington

Expert and Local Tax Return Cannington Services

Whether you are an Individual, Sole Trader or Business, the experts at MAS Tax Cannington can help you to meet all of your tax responsibilities. Delivering tax return Cannington solutions to the local area, we can assist you to manage your tax commitments and remain organised throughout the year. With a focus on providing excellent and cost-effective services, we can process and lodge your current tax returns, and provide tax advice for the next Financial Year.

Our friendly and professional team are committed to delivering the finest tax return Cannington services, with efficiency and ease. To ensure that you only receive the best advice for your situation, we like to take a personalised approach with all of our clients. By taking the time to discuss your position, goals and options during our first appointment, we can uncover the most effective tax solutions for you.

We offer a wide range of Tax Return Cannington services, including:

  • Individuals
  • BAS and GST Returns
  • Sole Traders
  • Small to Medium Businesses
  • Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Trusts
  • Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF)


Tax Deductions for Individuals, Sole Traders and Business Owners

As an Individual, Sole Trader or Small Business Owner, there are several work-related tax deductions that you may be entitled to claim. At MAS Tax Cannington, we can help you to legally maximize your refund, and ensure that you receive the correct amount that you’re entitled to – no more, no less.

We have put together a quick checklist of what to remember to keep and report this Tax Season. This includes:

  • Keep all work and/or business-related receipts and invoices: To be able to claim a work-related expense, it is vital that you keep a well-organised record of your purchases and receipts. This record can be paper or electronic. 
  • The cost must have been for your job or business, paid using your own money, and you were not later reimbursed by your employer. This could include a variety of items, such as office supplies, tools, compulsory uniform, and mobile phone or internet expenses.
  • Well-organised record keeping also involves filing any other relevant work or business documents. This includes; any payment summaries, bank statements, receipts for work-related expenses and repairs, contracts, and rental records.
  • Work Vehicle Logbook: If you regularly travel for work, you may be able to claim some of the travel costs in your tax return, such as fuel and car expenses. You will need to keep a detailed vehicle logbook, on the time and distance information for each trip, as well as keeping your fuel receipts. The most common method for claiming work-related car expenses, is to record your trip details for 12 continuous weeks, for every 5 years. This will represent your vehicle usage for each financial year during the 5-year period, assuming that you remain in your job role.

Download our MAS Tax Car Logbook for your work and/or business-related travel trips. Remember to keep a separate logbook for each vehicle.

Deduction allowances will vary between jobs and industries, so you should always keep your relevant receipts, logbooks and documents, and seek advice from your Accountant. We can advise you on whether or not you can make a certain tax claim.  Find out more about your tax deduction claims by speaking with a professional accountant or visiting the ATO website.


Tax Return Cannington 

Learn more about our Cannington Office, including the Tax, Accounting, Business and SMSF services that we provide.

For more information or to make an appointment, please contact us below or call us on 0403 612 923

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